40+ Years of Queer Rights Activism in Cork
Photos: Barry Donnelly
A co-creative community project, in partnership with Cork’s Gay Project, inspired by the Irish Quilt - An AIDS Memorial
Quilting the Rainbow is supported through Cork City Council by the Creative Ireland Programme, an all-of-government five-year initiative, from 2023 to 2027, which places creativity at the centre of public policy. Further information from creativeireland.gov.ie
20 Creative Community Members
Sharing Skills
Workshops are open to all members of Cork’s LGBTI+ community.
Arthur Leahy, founder of the Gay Project & Quay Co-op with Orla Egan, founder of the Cork LGBT Archive
Our first exhibition served as a means for us to gather material and input from the wider Cork community.
We decided to participate in Culture Night 2024, partnering with St. Peter’s Church (culture & heritage facility in Cork City) to achieve this.
We used this opportunity to develop collaborations with Cork LGBT Archive, Trans Pride Cork, Alternative Pride Cork and Act Up! Cork while presenting this exhibition and public participation event.
The exhibition was in 3 parts:
- Archival documents & film
- Our project in progress
- Pop-up workshop station for public participation
With 700 visitors on the day itself and over 1,960 throughout the week leading up to Culture Night, it was a roaring success!
Culture Night
One of two large scale paintings co-created by 700 visitors on Culture Night
Textile Collage workshop
Culture Night 2024 enabled us to gather important feedback from the wider Cork community which we incorporated into our project.